Donations Procedure
Many families chose to remember their loved one with charitable donations in lieu of flowers, to a specific cause that was important or relevant for them.
Donations may be made on the day of the funeral, online or at one of our A.W. Lymn offices. Donations should be made in a timely fashion (within two weeks of the funeral service) so that the we can include you when writing a list of donors for the family.
We are on hand to assist with setting up and collection of charitable donations on your behalf.
Donations can be made directly online on our obituaries page.
Important facts about funeral donations
- If a retiring collection is to be taken at a church, then the permission of the Minister must be sought.
- For security all donations are banked in our client donations account. This account is operated free of charge by the bank and no interest is credited.
- Approximately one month after the funeral, the donations list is closed and a cheque for the total amount forwarded to the charity together with details of the family and the deceased, and a list of the individual names, and individual amounts donated. This acts as an independent check on the accuracy of our records.
- When the money is forwarded to the charity, the family is sent a list of the names and addresses of the individual donors and a note of the total amount forwarded to the charity. For reasons of confidentiality, the individual amounts donated are not released to the family.
- The operation of our donations procedure is audited annually by Chartered Accountants BDO LLP.
Our Donations Secretary Anne Cooke is available Monday to Friday, 9am – on 0115 941 4101 Ext. *432 or and she will be happy to answer any queries which you might have.